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    Enjoy Clear Sound Without Missing a Moment.

    Best Hearing Aids
    • Automatic Volume Control
    • Feedback Suppression
    • Directional Microphones
    • Tinnitus Management Program
    • Customized Frequency Response
    • Full Noise Reduction Capabilities
    • Wax Guards
    Best Hearing Aid clinic In kolkata
    • 2.4 GHz Wireless Technology
    • Bluetooth® Connectivity
    • Advanced Speech Recognition
    • Maximum Number of Sound Channels
    • Maximum Feedback Cancellation
    • 30-minutes Charge for 6 hours of use

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      Safe | Secure | Privacy Protected

      Enjoy Clear Sound Without Missing a Moment.

      Best Hearing Aids
      • Automatic Volume Control
      • Feedback Suppression
      • Directional Microphones
      • Tinnitus Management Program
      • Customized Frequency Response
      • Full Noise Reduction Capabilities
      • 2.4 GHz Wireless Technology
      • Wax Guards
      • Bluetooth® Connectivity
      • Advanced Speech Recognition
      • Maximum Number of Sound Channels
      • Maximum Feedback Cancellation
      • 30-minutes Charge for 6 hours of use
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      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is a hearing aid?

      A hearing aid is a small electronic device worn behind the ear, or in the ear canal. It amplifies sounds to allow a person with hearing loss hears better. Hearing devices have 3 components: a microphone, an amplifier, and a speaker. Sounds come through the microphone, and are converted into electrical signals and sent to the amplifier. The amplifier then increases the power of the signals and sends them to the ear through the speaker. Hearing aids should not be confused with an in-ear sound amplifier.

      What is the difference between analog and digital hearing aids?

      Analog hearing aids make continuous sound waves louder. This hearing aids essentially amplify all sounds (e.g., speech and noise) in the same way. Some analog hearing aids are programmable. They have a microchip that allows the aid to have settings programmed for different listening environments, such as in a quiet place, like at a library, or in a noisy place like in a restaurant, or in a large area like a soccer field. The analog programmable hearing aids can store multiple programs for various environments.

      As the listening environment changes, hearing aid settings may be changed by pushing a button on the hearing aid. Analog hearing aids are becoming less and less common.

      Digital hearing aids / Rechargeable hearing aids have all the features of analog programmable aids, but they convert sound waves into digital signals and produce an exact duplication of sound. Computer chips in digital hearing aids analyze speech and other environmental sounds. The digital hearing aids allow for more complex processing of sound during the amplification process which may improve their performance in certain situations (for example, background noise and whistle reduction). They also have greater flexibility in hearing aid programming so that the sound they transmit can be matched to the needs for a specific pattern of hearing loss. Digital hearing aids also provide multiple program memories. Most individuals who seek hearing help are offered a choice of only digital technology these days.

      How does a hearing aids work?

      A small microphone is built into an ear hearing machine, and this tiny gadget picks up ambient sound and transforms it to electrical energy. An electrical signal is sent to a miniature speaker called a receiver by modifying and altering circuits in the amplifier. The sound is sent to the ear by this little structure. The majority of modern hearing aid technology enhances required frequencies and reduces noise for a different type of hearing loss.


      What are some features in a Hearing Aid that benefit me?
      In addition to the variety of hearing aid types that can be chosen to cater to your unique lifestyle and budget, modern technology offers features in your hearing aid/s that make the hearing experience more pleasant and as close to organic hearing as possible. From Bluetooth-enabled, rechargeable hearing aids, feedback suppression and noise-reduction features, these water-resistant devices are built to ensure ultimate convenience and hearing clarity so you can enjoy life to its’ fullest.


      What types of hearing aids are available?
      IIC, CIC, ITC, ITE, BTE, and RIC are the most common ear hearing machine types and styles. All of them are available in both wired and wireless configurations. Hearing aids with rechargeable batteries are also available now.
      How do I select the right type of hearing aid?
      The audiologist examines your degree of hearing loss when selecting which instrument is ideal for you. This decision is also influenced by one’s lifestyle and personal preferences. Consult a hearing specialist to determine which type of hearing aid is best for you.
      Can hearing aids improve my hearing?

      This fully depends on what type of hearing loss you have. There are 2 types of hearing loss:
      Conductive hearing loss is usually caused by an obstruction in the ear canal, such as swelling due to an ear infection, or a benign tumour. If your Hearing Care Professional determines your hearing loss as conductive, your hearing may return to normal once the obstruction has been removed. If it does not, you may benefit from wearing a hearing aid.
      Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by damage to the sensory hair cells of the inner ear. This damage can be caused by exposure to loud noise, illness, side effects of certain medications, injury, or age. If your Hearing Care Professional determines your hearing loss as sensorineural, you may benefit from wearing a hearing aid. Presbycusis, generally a subset of sensorineural hearing loss, occurs in most individuals as they age. This condition is common, and can often be improved by hearing aids.

      How much do hearing aids cost?
      The hearing aid price is mostly determined by the type of device used and any additional features and professional services that may be required. The price range varies from person to person and their preferences because everyone’s hearing impairment is different.
      Do I really need two hearing aids?

      The answer is YES if you suffer hearing loss in both ears. According to research, having two hearing aids allows for better conversations and greater sound understanding. The study found that people who used two hearing aids had significantly better sound quality and clarity, as well as higher speech discrimination test scores, than those who wore hearing aids in only one ear.

      How long will my hearing aids last?

      Hearing aids usually last for 5-6 years. We say this because of enormous technological breakthroughs. Hearing aids can last a long time if they are cared for properly and are still suited for your lifestyle.